The City of Omaha's civil rights law specifically prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, 原籍国, 宗教, 残疾, 家族的地位, color, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 或者婚姻状况. If you are facing a discriminatory housing situation, you can contact the City of Omaha's Human Rights and Relations Department:
Additional community resources include:
This homeless prevention organization works to keep families in their homes and provides navigation services for rapid rehouse, 还有金融方面, educational and employment assistance. If you’re in crisis and aren't sure where you will live tomorrow or next month, 在公司. is available to assist you at 402-345-8047.
Metro Area Continuum of Care for the 首页less
The Omaha metro area’s only collective impact homeless services organization.